Hair Transplant Problems
The Facts
When performing hair transplant surgery, a doctor harvests donor hair follicles from the sides and back of the scalp, then implants them into the bald area of the head. The transplanted hairs are moved permanently and will grow in their new location. Most procedures are performed under local anesthetic in a doctor's office, and while they are fairly minor forms of surgery, patients do run the risk of encountering problems during and after a hair transplant.
Surgical Risks
A patient undergoing hair transplant surgery faces the same kind of challenges as anyone going through such a medical procedure. One of the most common risks is having an adverse reaction to anesthesia, which can lead to dangerous breathing problems. There is also a risk of greater-than-normal bleeding when donor hairs and scalp portions are harvested, and you could also begin bleeding after the procedure. A patient is also at risk of contracting an infection during or after receiving a hair transplant.
Scarring is also a risk of hair transplant surgery, particularly where the doctor harvests the donor hair. You could also be left with scars where the hairs are implanted, which for most patients is at the front of the scalp and crown of the head.
Unnatural Appearance
Hair transplant surgery has improved over the years, but you still may not be satisfied with the appearance of your new hairline. The hair could be grouped in unnatural appearing clumps or circles, or it could be crooked, too low or too high. There is also a risk that the transplanted hair will be thicker in some areas and too thin in others.
Repeat Procedures
Some patients require more than one hair transplant procedure to fine-tune their appearance. Naturally, every time you undergo surgery you will face the same surgical risks and be susceptible to scarring again.