Hair Pulling in Children

Trichotillomania, or hair-pulling disorder, is a condition that causes a frequent or constant urge to pull out hair from the scalp, limbs or anywhere else on the body. It usually appears in adolescence, but can begin much sooner, sometimes as early as infancy. Most children grow out of their hair-pulling tendencies, but it's possible for it to continue into adulthood.
  1. Symptoms

    • Noticeable hair loss on any part of the body---including eyebrows or eyelashes---is the most telling symptom of trichotillomania in children, unless the loss can be explained by another medical condition. Playing with, eating, chewing or rubbing pulled hairs against the lips are behaviors commonly associated with the disorder, especially in younger patients. Many children pull hair before napping or going to bed.


    • Trichotillomania can cause hair loss and irritated skin, and can eventually permanently damage hair follicles if the behavior continues. Besides physical and aesthetic effects, repeated hair-pulling can cause anxiety, self-consciousness or embarrassment---especially in older children and teenagers---possibly leading to social isolation or other problems.


    • The cause for trichotillomania is unknown, but may have genetic or neurochemical factors. Traumatic experiences may trigger hair-pulling behavior, or it may be an outlet for anxiety, stress or other negative feelings. Pulling hair may provide compares it to thumb-sucking---especially in younger children, or it can be used as a means of attracting attention.


    • Trichotillomania treatment is often easier for children because the habit has not had a chance to become more permanently ingrained. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is frequently successful in stopping or reducing hair pulling. Antidepressants may be useful in some cases, but should be accompanied with therapy and monitored carefully in children.

    Home Management

    • Depending on the reason for your child's hair pulling, you can take measures at home to manage the behavior. If he seems to do it to get your attention, it should usually be ignored; if the pulling is a more benign habit, you should stop him and distract him from it. If the pulling seems to be a reaction to stress or another distinct emotion, identifying the trigger can help prevent future occurrences.

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