Alternative to Propecia

Propecia is a brand-name prescription formulation of the drub finasteride, which is used to treat male-pattern baldness. This once-per-day medication, taken in pill form, has shown positive results in reducing the rate of hair loss in men, and in some cases regrowing hair. The effects of Propecia can take several months to become evident. Side effects, such as reduced libido, have caused some men who suffer from male-pattern baldness to look for alternatives.
  1. Consultation

    • Consult your physician if you notice a sudden loss of hair or if your hair starts to come out in patches. Sudden hair loss may be indicative of a more serious underlying medical condition. If it is determined that your hair loss is due to androgenetic alopecia, or male-pattern baldness, your physician will be able to discuss appropriate treatments. Baldness currently cannot be cured, but there are treatments that can slow hair loss and some that have been shown to regrow hair in some patients.

    Medical Alternatives

    • Proven medical alternatives to oral medications such as Propecia include topical medications such as Rogaine or Anthralin, injections of corticosteroids, surgical hair transplantation or the use of cosmetic applications such as a wig or hair piece.

    Anecdotal Alternatives

    • There is anecdotal evidence that suggests certain herbal supplements can act to block DHT (dihydrotestosterone, the androgenic hormone responsible in part for male-pattern baldness), in much the same way as Propecia, but without the unwanted side effects. Saw palmetto, pygeum, nettle, pumpkin seed oil and green tea are all believed to provide benefits in treating male-pattern baldness. However, before beginning any regimen for food supplementation, it is recommended that you talk to your physician.

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