Treatment for Men's Hair Regrowth
Rogaine is a product you can purchase over the counter. It comes in either drop or foam form. This product is placed onto the scalp twice a day and allowed to dry. The topical solution is designed to stop hair loss and to regrow hair. It works best towards the back of the head, but it has been known to work around the hair line.
The downside to this product is that once you begin using Rogaine, if you stop using it, all the hair you gained and saved while using the medication will begin to fall out.
Laser Brush
Lasers have long been studied for different health benefits. A laser can stimulate the hair follicles, which can cause the scalp to begin to grow hair again.
Instead of holding a large laser over your head, you can use a laser brush such as the Crown Laser Brush and the Sunetics Laser Brush. These devices will function just as any ordinary brush, but the laser will stimulate your scalp as you brush. It is recommended that you use the brush twice a day, but like Rogaine, you will need to continue using the product. Once you stop, your hair will begin to fall out again.
Hair Transplant
The hair transplant is slightly more extreme than the other two treatments, but it is the only process that is permanent.
The process begins with your hair transplant doctor removing a line of donor hairs from the back of your neck. You will have a scar here, and the hair will not grow back, but because of the thickness of the hair on the back of your neck, you will not be able to notice.
The hair is then implanted follicle by follicle into your scalp via a graft. Each graft has between one and five hair follicles in it. The most common hair transplants will have anywhere from 1,000 to 5,000 grafts. Once the treatment is done, the hair will need a few more weeks to completely take root. Once the hair root is stabilized, you will be able to see hair growth.
It is not uncommon for individuals to go through several hair transplant procedures before they have the complete full head of hair they are looking for.