Natural Ways to Make Your Hair Grow Faster
Aloe Vera
Used for generations by many South American Indian tribes, aloe vera contains superoxide dismutane, an enzyme known for its hair-nourishing and stimulating abilities. Aloe vera additionally helps create nitric oxide, which is also good for potentially making hair grow faster (the vasodilators that nitric oxide affects stimulate hair growth). Rub a dollop of aloe vera into your hair and scalp daily. Both the gel and the massage are good for your hair and scalp, so do that instead of taking aloe vera as a pill.
Green Tea
Many herbalists recommend drinking several cups of green tea a day to promote hair growth. Green tea also can be taken as a capsule. It contains catechins--antioxidants--that work to prevent testosterone from being converted into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which leads to baldness.
Stinging Nettle
Taken either as an extract or a pill, the root of the stinging nettle has been used for centuries as a hair-strengthening agent. The vitamins (including A and E) and minerals (including calcium) that help make up stinging nettle work to stimulate the hair follicles. This leads to healthier hair overall, and possibly to faster growth. Massage the extract into the hair and scalp once a day. If using the pill, follow the instructions on the container.
Wheat Germ Oil
Wheat germ oil is an extremely rich, unrefined oil. It is packed with vitamins D, A and E and is rich in protein. This unique oil is extracted from the wheat germ plant. It lasts for about eight months. Keep wheat germ oil in a cool place, as high temperatures tend to degrade its quality. Massage a few drops of wheat germ oil into the scalp, either all over or in particular spots where you want your hair to grow faster. The massage itself can be beneficial, as it draws blood to the scalp area, bringing extra nutrients that can promote hair growth and healthy hair follicles. Massage wheat germ oil into your scalp on a daily basis. Even if faster hair growth doesn't occur--and often it doesn't--it will make your existing hair healthier.