Chinese Herbs for Growing Hair
Ginseng is a popular Chinese herb that is a well-known antioxidant, as well as a natural energizer for the body. But not many people know of ginseng's amazing hair-growing qualities. The Chinese have been using ginseng for thousands of years as a hair-growth method, to restore hair growth, or to have fuller, thicker hair. Ginseng helps to stimulate the circulation of oxygen in our bodies, as well as the cells in our scalp. Adding extra oxygen to the cells in our scalps helps to promote the re-growth of damaged hair cells, which in turn leads to new hair growth.
Chinese Angelica Root
Chinese angelica root, also known as dong quai, has been used for centuries by the Chinese in the treatment of hair loss. Chinese angelica root is rich in vitamin E, and it works to nourish the blood. In Chinese traditional medicine, the hair is seen as an extension of the blood, as well as intertwined with the kidneys. Chinese angelica root is seen as an herbal remedy that helps to nourish and oxidize the blood, which leads to further oxidation of the hair cells, which promotes hair growth. Chinese Angelica Root also promotes metabolism, as well as replenishing the supply of nutrients in the body, necessary for hair growth.
Tuber of Multiflower Knotweed
According to traditional Chinese medicine, the tuber of multiflower knotweed has a great ability to restore energy and nourish the liver as well as the kidneys, which are seen by the Chinese as being important elements for hair growth. It is believed that through the daily ingestion of this herb, that it works with the kidneys to facilitate more blood circulation to the scalp, which will help to restore hair growth. The Chinese believe that the increased volume of blood circulating to the scalp is conducive to the growth environment of hair. Thus, with the nourishment of these damaged hair follicles, it will work to restore damaged hair cells and restore proper hair growth.
Chinese Yam
Chinese yam has been used for thousands of years by the Chinese to restore hair, and is still used today. Chinese yam is said to nourish the kidneys as well as the liver and to purify the blood, which is essential in Chinese medicine to prevent hair loss to and promote the growth of new, healthy hair.
Psoralea Seeds
Psoralea seeds have also been used for thousands of years by Chinese and other Eastern cultures as a method for hair growth. It is said that if you eat 3 to 9 grams of psoralea seeds a day, you have a 30% chance of hair re-growth, when used in conjunction with proper diet and exercise and adequate sun exposure.
Green Tea
It is widely accepted that regular drinking of green tea is an effective treatment for male pattern baldness. Scientists believe that the reason this works so well is because green tea contains catechins that inhibit the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, which is an enzyme that converts testosterone into hair-unfriendly DHT.