Ways to Stop Hair Loss
All functions of the body require good health and nutrition to operate effectively. This includes strong healthy hair growth. Nutrition is vital to healthy hair growth, and vitamins are an important part of making sure that you are getting the proper nutrition to support this body function. Vitamins will not cure or stop hair loss overnight, but when hair loss is the result of poor nutrition, it can start bringing the body back into balance and prevent future hair loss from occurring.
The B vitamins are important in growing stronger hair. Inositol is one of the B vitamins that are found in dried beans, cantaloupe, garbanzo beans, citrus fruits except lemons, lentils, pork, oats, whole grains and rice. A diet that lacks this essential B vitamin can lead to hair loss. Adding inositol to your diet can result in stopping hair loss if there is a deficiency that is causing the problem.
Biotin is another B vitamin that can prevent hair loss when it is added to the diet. Biotin is found in egg yolk, liver, yeast, kidney and milk.
A hormone imbalance can be the cause of hair loss in both men and women. An imbalance can occur in any of the hormones that are produced by the body and a correction of this imbalance may be able to stop hair loss.
Pregnancy, birth control pills and an overactive or underactive thyroid can lead to hair loss. Testosterone and an overproduction of the male hormone can lead to a hair loss in both men and women. Correcting this imbalance can stop hair loss from becoming excessive.
Herbal Remedies
Problems with the scalp can be the source of hair loss problems. Herbal remedies can address these issues by improving the circulation in the scalp, resolving dry skin issues and cleaning the scalp and hair thoroughly.
Green tea is used as a method to stop or prevent male pattern baldness. This type of baldness or hair loss can be stopped with green tea by blocking the production of DHT. Green tea can be taken as a beverage or it can be taken in a supplement form.
Stinging nettle is another herb that is used to stop hair loss. The minerals that are found in stinging nettle can encourage the hair follicles to grow new hair. This herbal remedy is best used along with a treatment that blocks the formation of DHT. Saw palmetto and green tea can both accomplish this.
Aloe vera is used to stimulate hair growth by rubbing the gel from the plant directly on the scalp. Superoxide dismutane and nitric oxide combine to help stimulate hair follicles into growing new hair with aloe vera.Not every hair loss will respond to herbal remedies. Try a few different remedies to find the one that will work for your particular situation.