How to Make Facial Hair Grow
Take your vitamins. Vitamins are an essential tool when it comes to facial hair growth. The vitamins you should include are A, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, E, Biotin, and folic acid. Studies done on rats have shown that diets lacking in these vitamins and nutrients have led to hair loss. On the contrary, diets rich in these vitamins and nutrients have stimulated hair growth and resulted in a complete restoration of hair. If you don't want to take vitamins, you can eat a variety of foods from which you can obtain them. For B vitamins, eat peas, carrots, bran, nuts and eggs. Brown rice, soybeans and sunflower seeds are good sources of biotin.
Keep your face clean and moisturized. Wash and exfoliate your face every day because clean and open pores are more likely to stimulate hair growth. A clean face also wards off ingrown hairs which can stunt facial hair growth. It's also a good idea to use facial moisturizers to prevent itching caused by stubble while you are growing out your hair. It's best to use oil-free moisturizers so they don't clog the pores and inhibit hair growth. Of course, you will also need to stop shaving. It generally takes about four weeks to grow a beard. If during the first couple of weeks your beard grows in patches, don't get discouraged. It will eventually fill in.
Consider testosterone. Testosterone is the hormone that causes hair growth during puberty. Getting testosterone injections or taking supplements will thicken and increase the amount of hair on your face, but you risk losing some of the hair on your scalp. There are also other side effects such as water retention, acne and kidney stress that should be considered before deciding to take testosterone. You can also invest in testosterone gel which can be applied directly to the face to aid in facial hair growth. You can find out more about this gel by visiting
Test xreams. Many people have had success by applying Rogaine cream, also known as Minoxidil, directly to the face. You can also apply firdaus oil twice a day. When buying firdaus oil, keep in mind that they are two different types that are sold. The scented version is used as an aromatherapy. You want the unscented version that is marketed for facial hair growth. Firdaus oil is sometimes difficult to find within the United States so it might be easier for you to try another hair growth cream.