Grey Hair & Stress
The Process of Going Grey
While all of the causes of grey hair are still being explored, the process of greying is fairly straightforward. The cells in the hair follicles that cause melanin (pigment) to be produced are called melanocytes. Melanin is also responsible for the color you see in your skin and nails. Each melanocyte has a predetermined lifespan, largely determined by your genes. Once a melanocyte dies, melanin production ends. Hair with some remaining melanin grows out grey or silver, while hair with no pigment grows out white.
Is Stress a Factor?
According to the Scientific American, hormones produced by stress could shorten the life of melanocytes, but no formal link has been established between stress itself and the presence of grey hair. However, other factors may come into play. According to researcher Emi Nishimura of Tokyo Medical and Dental University, DNA is constantly subjected to damage by exposure to chemicals, ultraviolet light, and ionizing radiation. Results of a laboratory study released in June 2009 revealed that after mice were subjected to X-rays and chemical injections, the stem cells in their hair follicles sustained permanent damage, causing their fur to grow out unpigmented. The instability in genes brought on by unavoidable exposure to such harmful elements could be a leading factor in the aging process, the study concluded.
Grey Overnight: Truth or Legend?
History is filled with folklore about famous figures whose hair color was affected by extreme fear, anxiety and stress. The hair of Thomas More and Marie Antoinette allegedly went white the night before they were to be executed. Because it takes more than just a day for formerly pigmented hair to grow out white, it's highly doubtful that these stories are true. However, a medical condition called diffuse alopecia areata causes pigmented hair to fall out while leaving the unpigmented hair intact. This could explain why some people seem to go grey in a very short period of time.
Other Causes of Grey Hair
Grey hair is most closely associated with the aging process. Men notice grey hair first around the age of 30 and women at the age of 35. But premature grey can be the result of simple genetics--if many close family members had prematurely grey hair, there's a good chance that you will too. However, there are other medical conditions that can cause grey hair, such as anemia, thyroid dysfunction and vitiligo, which is a form of albinism.
Can Grey Hair Be Reversed?
Alternative remedies like the ancient Chinese herb Fo-Ti promise to reverse grey hair, but the scientific community assures us this is wishful thinking. There is no medical treatment that can reverse grey hair. Regardless if your grey is indeed caused by stress, the aging process or other factors, the only sure solution to "curing" grey hair can only be found in one consumer product: a box of hair dye.