How to Repair Badly Damaged Hair
Stop using all hair chemicals immediately. Perhaps it was the hair dye, relaxer or perm that caused your hair loss. Whatever chemicals you were using that caused the shedding in the first place, stop using it ASAP. Hair loss is generally caused by the overuse of these chemicals or the misuse of them. Stop using them today!
Apply moisturizer to your hair. Severely damaged hair is thirsty hair. While you are waiting for your locks to grow back, it's important to use moisturizing shampoos and moisturizing conditioners. A light hairdressing moisturizer can also be used while styling, but the important theme here is to constantly restore your hair with moisture.
Cut out all heat. Do not put any heat in your hair while it is damaged. Allow your hair to naturally air dry after washing instead of using blow dryers. The heat can further damage your hair and it's best to get back to basics and let your hair be as natural as possible if you ever want it to grow strong, thick and long again. It goes without saying that you should also discontinue use of heat utensils like flat irons and curling irons.
Make an appointment to see your doctor today if your hair damage was not caused by chemicals, over-styling or heat products. Certain prescription drugs can cause hair loss and your doctor can either change your dosage or put you on an alternate drug. There's also the possibility of hair loss from hormone imbalances, but only your doctor can determine the possible cause.