Homeopathic Solutions for Hair Loss in Women
Causes of Hair Loss
About 20 percent of women suffer from hair loss. This often occurs gradually and can begin at the crown or the hairline, with complete loss rare in women. Many cases are caused by a change in endocrine hormones and can be the result of pregnancy or menopause.
If you have a great deal of stress in your life, you may also suffer from hair loss. Growth can be delayed by as long as three months after you are faced with a stressful period. Diets also can be a culprit; crash dieting and its lack of nutrition can affect hair growth.
While many illnesses and deficiencies that cause hair loss can be treated, hereditary baldness cannot. An example of a hereditary baldness is androgenetic alopecia, which affects 50 percent of men and some women over the age of 40.
Homeopathic Treatments for Growth
A great deal of homeopathic cures are on the market. If you choose to try any, do your research and pick one that best suits your needs. For example, kali carbonicum can be used for dry and thinning hair, while fluoric acid may be used for hair that falls out in small tufts. Kali sulphuricum or natrum mur may be used for hair loss coinciding with flaking dandruff. Consider taking lycopodium tablets if you experience premature baldness after giving birth. If you experience scalp pain coupled with hair loss, consider selenium. Always consult your physician before taking these or any other supplements.
Consider a hair mask or tonic for thinning hair. Tonics may be used on your hair before or after a shower. While you can leave a tonic on your head, a hair mask must be washed out. The benefits of a mask is deep conditioning for your hair, which may, in turn, help stop breakage.
Treat Your Body and Hair Right
Shedding in both men and women is a normal thing. The human scalp sheds between 100 to 125 hairs every day and new growth generally replaces the old. Healthy hair starts from the inside out and also requires gentle handling. Make sure you eat a healthy diet based on the food groups---proteins, fruits and vegetables, dairy, grains and healthy fats---to help ensure a healthy head of hair.
After you shampoo your hair be sure to condition and use a comb, not a brush as these tend to cause breakage when your hair is wet. Deep condition once a week, leaving the product on your hair for 15 minutes under a shower cap, which may give your hair extra moisture and shine. Use heated styling tools, such as dryers and irons, as little as possible.
Consult Your Doctor
As with any ailment, you should ask your physician before taking any medications, supplements or remedies. Homeopathic medicine, which does not have to be prescribed by a doctor, can be ordered through various websites. Always read disclaimers, as many homepathic remedies may have side effects. With a little internet research, you may find a local practitioner or a national homeopathic association to offer guidance.