Remedy to Regrow Hair
Hair loss, in and of itself, is not a problem. There are roughly five million hairs on the human head, and humans shed 60 to 100 each day. When we start losing excessive amounts of hair, however, the scalp may not be able to replace them all in a timely manner. This is what is called hair loss, also known as alopecia.
Common and Uncommon Reasons for Hair Loss
There are a number of ways in which people can experience hair loss: androgenic alopecia, or male pattern baldness; traumatic alopecia, hair being pulled out of the head; drug induced alopecia; and alopecia areata, patchy hair loss (potentially reversible). Uncommon causes can include poor blood flow, infections such as syphilis, skin diseases like lupus, cancer and its treatment, hormone imbalances or kidney or liver failure. Also, note that stress and tight hairstyles like braids or pigtails can cause traction alopecia.
Hair loss can vary by race. African Americans are four times more likely to have hair loss issues than whites. Japanese men are less likely to become bald than white men, and if they do, it happens 10 years later. Gender can also play a role. Women are just as likely as men to lose their hair, but due to hormonal differences, they lose less volume. Women's hairstyles are more forgiving than men's, which allow them to hide their alopecia more effectively. In fact, women may not notice that their hair is thinning as a whole, but may notice that their ponytail or braid is no longer as thick as it used to be. Lastly, female pattern baldness is different from male.
Methods of Restoring Hair
The easiest type of hair loss to cure is alopecia areata and traction alopecia. Many times, the two stem from the same source. If the person losing the hair wears it in a different style, for instance foregoing ponytails or braids for a year or so, she will notice her hair growing back to its regular length. Chemical solutions such as Rogaine and Propecia are also effective for hair growth. Both chemicals stimulate the scalp to produce more hair. And hair transplants move hair from other areas to the patient's scalp, allowing it to grow in that area. Lastly, staying healthy can help hair to grow by relieving stress and giving the scalp the nutrients it needs to grow hair properly.
Many of these treatments for hair loss, aside from staying healthy and changing one's hairstyle, come with caveats. Propecia is for men only, and those who choose to use either it or Rogaine must use it for as long as they want hair growth to continue. It also takes six months before results can be seen. Hair transplants require mild anesthesia, and side effects may include swelling and itchiness.