Baldness Treatments for Women
First, Your Doctor
Hair loss is a medical condition. it could be related to any number of changes in your body. As such, it's important to ask your doctor about treatment options. Your doctor may be able to shed light on what's causing your hair loss.
For women, hair restoration is generally surgical in nature, but drugs can help, too. A drug called minoxidil is commonly prescribed to men suffering from androgenetic alopecia, or male pattern baldness. Because women can also suffer from androgenetic alopecia, or female pattern baldness, surgical treatment (specifically, hair transplants) is combined with minoxidil prescriptions to help with the restoration process.
Temporary hair loss should never be treated with hair transplants. However, in cases where women face permanent and devastating loss of hair, this may be an option. It may take multiple transplant sessions to restore your hair.
Women suffering from baldness related to causes such as cancer treatments may opt to wear wigs, hats, bandannas or scarves. While these obviously fail to provide a permanent solution, they can help you through difficult times by boosting your self-esteem. Anyone can wear a wig, and some wigs are incredibly realistic. Some women live perfectly happy lives without hair, while others prefer other options. There is no single right answer.
Hair Loss Related to Medication
Sometimes medications can cause hair loss in women. If this is the case, consult your doctor. He may be able to suggest an alternative.