Homeopathic Hair Loss Treatments

The idea behind homeopathic medicine is "like treats like." In other words, giving a patient a medicine that will mimic--in a diluted form--the underlying causes of her problem can trigger the body's natural system of healing. But how does that help hair loss? Homeopathic physicians say that treatments are as individual as the patients themselves. However, there are a few common medicines that can help anyone.
  1. Causes

    • There are several causes of hair loss. Knowing the cause can help a homeopathic physician prescribe the type of treatment. Genetics, age, illness or hormonal factors may play a role in hair loss. Men may experience male pattern baldness due to androgens, while women may experience a thinning of the hair due to rapid weight loss, stress or pregnancy.


    • Each dosage of a homeopathic remedy should be adjusted by a physician. Homeopathic remedies are measured in units designated as c in the United Kingdom and x in the United States. The dosages indicated for the following medications are 6x or 6c unless otherwise specified by a homeopathic physician. Do not attempt to make your own homeopathic medications. Most medications start with a base ingredient, and then dilute it until the original ingredient can no longer be detected in trace amounts. Then it is "potentised" by shaking. While some base ingredients such as table salt or chamomile are not harmful, others such as belladonna are poisonous.

    Naming Conventions

    • Homeopathic medicine lists the active ingredients by their Latin names. If you are prescribed a compound made with Rhus Tox, you are actually taking a very diluted form of poison ivy.


    • For brittle hair that falls out in tufts, fluoric acid is often recommended. Lycopodium, or Clubmoss spores are recommended for eczema, hair loss due to pregnancy or premature balding and graying. Potassium salts such as Kali Carbonicum (carbonate of potassium) and Kali Sulphuricum (potassium sulfur) are given for dry, thinning hair and yellow, waxy or flaking dandruff respectively. Natrum Muriaticum (ordinary table salt) may be used to treat hair loss accompanied by white crusts on the scalp. It may also be given to women who suffer hair loss due to anemia.

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