Natural Hair Care Products for Gray Hair
Curd and Black Pepper
Mix 100g (3.5 oz.) of curd with 1g of black pepper to create a paste. Make your own curd by adding lemon juice or vinegar to milk, letting it curdle, and draining away the liquid. Apply this mixture to your scalp and leave on for one hour before shampooing. Black pepper helps to darken gray hairs, while curd makes hair silky and helps prevent dandruff. Use this treatment once a week to prevent or reverse gray hair.
Henna ans Walnut
Henna is a 100 percent natural dye that conditions your hair while giving it a reddish tint (although there are some hennas that dye hair black or brown). For extra color, make a paste of henna and water, and mix with walnut pulp--or soak regular walnuts in water for a few days until the water turns black. Walnut is a natural dark colorant. Be careful when dealing with the juice, however, as it stains. You can also mix the henna with black coffee or tea instead of water for additional darkening.
Black Tea
Make a very strong pot of black tea and let cool. Stir in 2 tsp. of salt. Pour this mixture over your hair and rub in with your fingers. Leave in for one hour. You may want to use a shower cap to prevent dripping. Repeat once a week.
Amla (Indian Gooseberry)
The edible Indian gooseberry, known as "amla" in Hindi, is often used for stopping premature gray hair. Mix amla powder with coconut oil for extra moisturizing and effectiveness. Apply to the scalp like a deep conditioner. Leave the treatment on as long as possible before shampooing. If you have whole gooseberries, make your own powder by drying them in the sun and grinding with a food processor.
Curry Leaves
The leaves of the curry tree are full of nutrients that combat graying hair. To make a concoction for your hair, heat curry leaves in a base of coconut oil. Use low heat to avoid spattering. Let the oil cool until it's warm to the touch. Be careful not to burn yourself, as coconut oil heats very quickly. Massage this mixture onto your scalp and leave for one hour.
One cause of premature graying is vitamin deficiency. Check your diet to see if you're lacking any of the following, all of which contribute to hair health: vitamin A, B-complex vitamins, iron, copper (helps with coloring) and iodine.