Herbal Remedies for Men's Hair Loss
External Remedies
Onion is believed to have hair regrowth properties due to its high sulfur content. One remedy calls for rubbing half an onion on the scalp until the scalp reddens before washing hair.
What can't aloe vera fix? Burns, cuts, rashes, stomach upsets, and now, male pattern baldness. Because aloe contains both the enzyme superoxide dismutane and it stimulates the body's own production of nitric oxide, it may know just the trick to stimulating hair growth, which herbalists attribute to the combination of these two effects.
Both pastes of red pepper and safflower oil, rubbed on the scalp are believed to open up blood vessels and increase blood flow to the scalp. The theory holds that in turn, follicles receive better nourishment which improves hair growth.
Herbal Supplements
Ginkyo Biloba, an herbal supplement commonly found in nutrition stores, and now even drug stores and supermarkets, operates on the same principle as the red pepper and safflower oil treatments. It supposedly increases blood flow to the scalp, which in turn leads to better nourishment for hair follicles.
Green Tea, however, works in a very different way. Enzymes found in green tea are thought to inhibit 5-alpha-reductase, an enzyme in men that converts testosterone into DHT. DHT is the chemical currently believed to cause male pattern baldness. Therefore, less DHT means more chances for hair.
Pygeum and Stinging Nettle are two other herbal supplements which work much like green tea, blocking 5-alpha-reductase, and therefore preventing DHT. These two supplements have the additional benefit of being thought to also prevent prostate enlargement.
More Herbal Supplements
Saw Palmetto, which is an extract of berries of the dwarf palm plant, has been clinically shown to reduce DHT levels, and therefore, the odds of hair loss. However, no clinical test or trial has yet shown it capable of promoting the regeneration of hair, although many claim that it does.
He Shou Wu is another potential alternative. Chinese medicine hails it as a potential cure for hair loss and a catalyst of regrowth. He Shou Wu apparently targets liver and kidney functions, and therefore toxicity levels within the body. Chinese medicine attributes a link between healthy liver and kidneys with a positive change in hair growth.