How to Tell if Hair is Growing Back
Recovering from hair loss can be quite a long ordeal. The process of determining which methods are effective can be an overwhelming test of patience as well as an arduous task of trial and error. Frequent self-evaluation can reveal new hair growth and provide a guideline of which methods are working and which methods aren't working for hair growth.Things You'll Need
- Fine tooth comb Brush Mirror
Scalp Evaluation
Inspect the scalp once each week. Use your fingers to touch the scalp. Feeling stubble similar to that of shaving stubble is a sure sign that hair is beginning to grow back following surgery and pattern balding in men and women. Stand in font of a mirror to evaluate the growth of stubble.
Evaluate for shedding hair. Check your bed pillows and shirts for shedding hair. Noticing less and less hair is a sign that the hair follicles are in the growth cycle .
Use a mirror to evaluate hair growth from the back of the head towards the front of the head. Seeing spots of stubble as well as spots of longer hair means that the hair is beginning to grow back.
Moisten the hair with water. Comb the hair forward. Push the hair back again. Evaluate the thin spot for any new sign of growth.
Comb the hair against the direction of growth. Examine the part line. Tiny hairs growing out of the part line indicate that the hair is growing after surgery, baldness or the shedding phase of the hair growth cycle.