What Causes a Receding Hairline
Male Pattern Baldness
The biggest cause for a receding hairline is male pattern baldness. This cause is a genetic issue and is usually inherited. The problem occurs because the hair follicles no longer work as they're supposed to and get smaller. Hair is no longer produced, leaving thin patches, then bald spots. This is especially noticeable at the hairline, which will begin to shrink backward, leaving much of the scalp exposed.
Stress is known to have a negative impact on the body. Becoming suddenly ill or having a serious surgery might cause you to suffer from hair loss due to the enormous strain placed on your body. Luckily, once your life returns back to normal, the hair can grow back.
Hormone Fluctuations
Fluctuating hormones can cause hair loss, including a receding hairline. Women going through menopause tend to suffer from thinning hair and even bald spots as their estrogen levels drop dramatically. As they get older, men tend to suffer from a reduction in testosterone, which can cause hair loss as well.
Some medications have been connected with a receding hairline. They include antidepressants, drugs used to treat gout and even excessive vitamin A consumption. One of the most obvious medications that causes hair loss is chemotherapy used in the treatment of various forms of cancer.
Some infections have been known to cause a receding hairline or hair loss in general. For instance, a scalp infection caused by fungi can do this. However, diabetes and lupus can also cause this sort of hair loss as the body's immune system is weakened.