Signs of a Receding Hairline
One of the first areas victimized by a receding hairline are the temples on the front sides of the head. People's temples will look higher and more pronounced, and their hair will start to develop an "M" shape. This can easily be seen in a mirror or even by touching the sides of the temples.
Cold Sensitivity
Even though an actual receding hairline takes place on the front of the scalp, it is still a sign of hair loss. This means that it can be accompanied by hair loss on other parts of the scalp as well, such as the crown of the head. Often when this happens, a person's head will be increasingly sensitive to cold.
Other Clues
Signs of a receding hairline may appear in the drain to a bathtub or sink if that is where a person washes their hair. If the hairline is receding, often times a small pile of hair appears in the drain. Hair may also be found on clothes or the seat of a car.
Slowed Growth Rate
Hair grows in three different stages called anagen, catagen and telogen. During these cycles, hair grows, it becomes stagnant, it sheds and then the whole process repeats itself. However, hair grows at a specific rate, and another sign of a receding hairline is that hair grows more slowly.
One of the main reasons for hair loss and receding hairlines is heredity. If the person's father, uncles and grandparents on both sides of the family have receding hairlines or suffer from hair loss, then this indicates an increased likelihood for a receding hairline.