Hair Growth Treatment Options
Diet plays a major role in hair loss and hair growth. A diet low in protein can trigger hair thinning and shedding. Meanwhile, eating a high-protein diet can strengthen the follicles and produce healthy, long hair. Protein-rich foods include eggs, nuts, meats, beans and dairy products. If necessary, take protein supplements.
There is a connection between regular exercise and hair growth. Aside from improving your health, exercise increases blood circulation. In turn, circulation stimulates the hair follicles and encourages growth. A minimum of 30 minutes of moderate to high-impact workouts three to five times a week can increase hair growth.
Avoid Heat
Constant heat exposure from hot water, curling irons and blow dryers can damage the hair and slow hair growth. To promote growth, limit your use of these products. Damage may include split or dry ends, and hair may begin to shed or break off in certain areas. Wash your hair in lukewarm water, and if possible, air dry the hair. Also, attempt to use hot curlers every other day.
Massage the Scalp
Like exercise, regular scalp massages stimulate the hair follicles. Gently massage the scalp while shampooing and conditioning. When conditioning, use a protein conditioner such as Nioxin, which can strengthen your hair and reverse damage. Additionally, periodically massage your scalp for a few minutes throughout the day to encourage blood circulation.
Certain vitamin supplements improve hair growth and prevent damage. These include Vitamin-B complex supplements, folic acid, flaxseed oil, magnesium and zinc. Visit your local health-foods store and purchase hair growth supplements. Or purchase a multi-vitamin that features the above essential nutrients.