How to Make Onion Juice for Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is a condition that is characterized by hair loss, either from the scalp or parts of the body. The hair loss usually occurs in patches. A study reported in the June 2002 edition of the Journal of Dermatology reported that after using onion juice as a topical treatment, hair growth was seen in 86 percent of the patients in the trial. If you would like to try onion juice for hair loss, making your own juice is very simple.

Things You'll Need

  • Raw onions
  • Juicer
  • Glass jar
  • Sterile cotton balls
  • Gloves
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  1. Making Onion Juice

    • 1

      Peel off the skin from the onions and cut the onions into chunks.

    • 2

      Place the onion chunks into the juicer, a few at a time.

    • 3

      Juice the onions, taking the time to clean out the juicer periodically so it does not clog up. Otherwise, you will lose out on some of the onion juice.

    • 4

      Transfer the onion juice to a glass jar for storage, and store any extra onion juice in the refrigerator. (Before using the onion juice on your skin, shake the jar and pour the amount you will be using into a glass and allow it to warm up to room temperature).

    • 5

      Apply the juice to the affected areas of your skin by putting on the gloves and dipping a sterile cotton ball into the onion juice. Apply to the hair loss area. Repeat this process twice daily. You should see hair growth begin within two weeks.

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