How to Tell If Your Hairline Is Receding

Typically, a man will notice a receding hairline as the first observable step in the balding process (medically known as androgenic alopecia). With the right lifestyle changes and medical treatment, pattern baldness and receding hairlines can be slowed or, in some cases, cured. Learn how to tell if your hairline is receding so you can take the necessary steps to protect and nourish your hair and scalp.


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      Observe your hairline in the mirror. If you have a longer hair style, pull your bangs back so you can note the hairline. Compare your current hairline with old photos, or note natural markings on your forehead (e.g. a sun spot or a freckle) that may help you determine if your hairline is receding.

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      Ask friends or family members who see you daily. Often, an individual may not notice a receding hairline. However, a family member (such as your children or significant other) may be able to tell if your hairline is receding before you can.

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      Note any excessive, seemingly uncommon hair loss. Individuals who suffer from a change in their hair pattern that results in the first stages of male pattern baldness may observe an unusual amount of hair in the drain after they shower.

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      Take preventative measures to stop and cure a receding hairline. Do not shampoo excessively, as this can cause your hair to break or be pulled from your scalp. Use a heavy conditioner to nourish the hair shaft and prevent breakage. Also, do not comb or brush your hair too much.

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      Consider using a topical or oral medical treatment to stop your hairline from receding and prevent baldness. Two common hair loss treatments are Minoxidil (a topical agent used in the popular Rogaine products) and Finasteride (an oral pill that is only available to men due to its hormone levels). Discuss these options with your doctor to determine if these treatments are appropriate for your current hair loss situation.

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