Causes of Bald Spots in Women
Androgenetic Alopecia
When a woman develops bald spots, it is probably due to androgenetic alopecia.
Male Pattern Baldness
Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is another name for male pattern baldness, which women too can experience. AGA is the most common type of hair loss. The hair loss occurs on the sides and the top of the head and right above the forehead and sometimes results in a completely bald spot.
Facial Hair
If a woman is experiencing AGA, she may find that she's growing excessive amounts of hair on her face while simultaneously losing the hair on her head. Hair falls out and bald spots develop in areas where the hair follicles have become sensitized. This can happen at the same time that coarse hairs are popping up on areas of your body, such as the face. This is due to androgen stimulation. Androgens are male hormones.
Estrogen Versus Testosterone
Most women will experience AGA to some degree as they age, because a woman's estrogen levels drop as the gets older. The estrogen is no longer present in the woman's system to oppose male hormones (testosterone) that cause hair loss.
Telogen Effluvium
Another condition that can result in hair loss and bald patches is telogen effluvium. We all lose hair on a regular basis, but if you are losing handfuls, it is not normal. Telogen effluvium occurs when hair follicles are shocked or when they move into the resting state. This can happen due to a shift in hormones (being post-partum or going through menopause) or if you have a dietary deficiency. Stress can also result in hair loss. If you have a thyroid problem or some other underlying medical condition, this may be causing telogen effluvium. Certain medications can also cause you to lose your hair and develop bald spots.