How to Approach Hair Loss in Women
Things You'll Need
- Medical examination
- Vitamins
- Healthy diet
- Honey
- Egg whites and yolks
- Licorice
- Tomatoes
- Vegetable Oil
- Hormone replacement therapy, if desired
- Hat
Consider that your hair loss may be caused by an undetected and underlying disease, such as lupus or arthritis. If you are anemic (iron deficient) this can also wreak havoc on the health of your hair. If you are losing excessive amounts of hair, it is possible that you are suffering from alopecia, which is an auto-immune disease and is believed to be genetic because it runs in families. Pay a visit to your doctor and express your concerns about your hair loss.
Ponder your hormonal situation. If you recently gave birth, it is not surprising that your hair is falling out. This is only temporary. Three months after giving birth, hair tends to fall out, sometimes in significant amounts, because the hair did not fall out (as it normally would) during the pregnancy. When hormones are especially high or low, or simply out of balance for one reason or another, this can cause hair loss. There is probably no need to seek medical attention if you are post-partum, and hair loss is occurring. Generally, it corrects itself within a few months.
Consider that you may be peri-menopausal, or perhaps you are already menopausal. When you go through menopause, your estrogen levels drop and the male hormone, testosterone, which we all have, increases and then converts to DHT, which attaches to the hair follicles and causes hair loss as well as impedes hair growth. Male hormones are hair's worst enemy. If your hormones have gone haywire there is the option of undergoing hormone replacement therapy, although this is somewhat controversial since there may be a connection between hormone replacement therapy and an increased incidence of breast cancer. Once again, discuss this with your physician and decide on the best treatment to pursue.
Know that surgery, which is invasive and traumatic, as well as anesthesia, can cause hair loss. If this is the reason for your hair loss, it shouldn't be permanent. Any trauma to your body or to you mind can result in hair loss as well.
Critique what you are putting into your body. If you are not eating a well-balanced diet, your hair can pay the price. You need Vitamins B (especially B5 and Biotin) in your diet, as well as E,C, and A. You also need zinc and magnesium as well as essential fatty acids, found in fish and other sources. If you are not getting adequate amounts of these vitamins and minerals, consider taking a daily supplement.
Give thought to your other habits. If you smoke, the free radicals from the cigarette smoke can damage your hair. If your circulation is bad, which it may be because of smoking, this cuts off the circulation to your hair follicles, as well as to other crucial areas of your body, and lessens the hairs' ability to grow. Poor circulation may even cause hair to fall out.
Think about the area in which you spend a lot of time. Is your neighborhood or where you work highly polluted? Pollutants can damage hair and may even cause hair loss. Cover up your hair when you are outside. In addition, too much exposure to the sun can also damage hair.
Contemplate the medications you are taking. There are many medicines that are very helpful in some respects, but can cause hair loss including anti-depressants, contraceptives, gout medicine, anti-seizure medicine and acne medicine.
Slather your hair with a combination of egg yolks and whites, along with vegetable oil and honey. This will condition your hair and may prevent hair loss. Tomatoes can also be applied to the hair to maintain its health. Avocados can be used as a conditioner. Licorice crushed up in milk is another good application for hair that is damaged and falling out.