How to Stop Rapid Hair Loss
Things You'll Need
- Medical examination
- Blood tests
- Vitamins
Make an appointment with your doctor, express your concerns, and undergo blood tests to see if there is an underlying issue, which may be causing your rapid hair loss. You may have a thyroid condition, lupus or an auto-immune disease, including alopecia, which causes a person to lose all of his hair. If your hair suddenly starts falling out, it could be an indication that you are suffering from an as yet undetected underlying illness.
Determine if you are getting the proper vitamins and minerals in your diet. If you are anemic (ironic deficient) this can cause your hair to fall out. If you do not have the right amount of Vitamin B (B5 B6 B12 Biotin) in your system, this too can promote hair loss. Tests can be done to determine if you are anemic and deficient in other areas. An individual needs copper, zinc and magnesium in his diet to maintain healthy, non-shedding hair. Fish oil supplements can provide essential fatty acids that are crucial for healthy hair. A protein rich diet is needed because hair needs protein to thrive. Vitamins C, E and A are also important for healthy hair.
Consider what medications you are taking. Your hair loss may be caused by your medicine. Those that can result in hair loss include contraceptives, anti-depressants, anti-seizure medication, gout medicine, acne medicine and chemotherapy drugs.
Alter your hair style. If you are pulling your hair back into a tight bun or pony tail you are causing stress on your hair, which may result in it falling out. If you are over-bleaching, over-perming or over-processing, this is going to take its toll on your hair. Extensions can be stressful on hair.
Consider what is going on in your life. Are you dealing with stress? Are you remotely getting enough sleep and is it sound sleep? Are you post-partum or menopausal? Did you recently have surgery or suffer from some trauma? If any of these are the reason for your hair loss, the loss shouldn't be permanent but you need to address these issues and seek medical help or assistance from an alternative medicine practitioner so that you can stop the hair loss in its tracks.