How to Regrow Hair in 15 Minutes
Things You'll Need
- Massage oil Mixing bowl Stove pot
How to Regrow Hair in 15 Minutes
Before we get into demonstrating how to perform the massage, you first need to choose what kind of massage oil you need. There are many different varieties of massage oil, depending on the type of hair that you have. For example, if your hair is thick and greasy, it is necessary to use olive oil on your scalp because of its pore-opening properties. However, if your hair is thin and tends to break easily, coconut oil is the best option for your hair. For the sake of this lesson we will choose rosemary oil because of its ability to regrow thinning hair, open pores and soothe the scalp. Lavender oil is also an excellent choice because it shares these same qualities.
Although a scalp massage can be done with or without oil, it is most effective when heated oil is applied to the scalp. The combination of heat and oil is excellent for promoting overall hair health. To heat the oil you first need to boil a separate pot of water. As your pot is boiling, prepare the rosemary oil or the oil of your choice in a separate dish. Once your pot has come to a boil, place the bowl of oil inside the pot. Make sure that you pour a little of the water out so it does not mix and come in contact with the oil. After you have placed the bowl of oil inside the pot, let it sit for 1 minute. Then take the bowl of oil out of the pot and set it on the counter to cool. You can tell when your oil has cooled to the right temperature by dipping your finger in and making sure it is warm enough but not burning.
Now it is time to perform the massage. Make sure that your oil has cooled, but not so much that it is cold. You want it nice and warm. Take your fingers and dip them into the bowl, and then begin applying the oil to the scalp. Apply just enough so that your scalp and hair are efficiently covered. Begin the massage by starting at the forehead and working your way to the back of the head. With a little pressure, work the oil onto the scalp in a circular manner using your fingertips. While massaging in a vigorous manner is beneficial for blood circulation, massaging in a relaxed manner may feel much more soothing. Balance out a mixture of both of these methods and see what works best for you. Massage for 15 minutes and make sure you have worked the oil onto all parts of the scalp. If you have longer hair, you can coat your fingers in oil and run the ends of your hair through your fingers to prevent breakage.
If you are going to take a shower later, you can let the oil sit on your scalp for about 30 minutes and then proceed to shampoo and rinse it out. If you are not going to take a shower and are going to bed, you can wrap your hair in a towel and leave it in over night. It is actually very beneficial to apply a little olive oil to the scalp and leave it in over night to purify the pores. Just make sure that you do rinse it out the next day or it could actually clog your pores. In order to achieve the desired results you can perform the scalp massage with oil at least 3 times a week. For the remainder of the week, the massage can be performed without any oil. Perform the massage for at least 15 minutes with or without oil every day and allow at least 3 months of performing the massage before expecting to see significant results.