Natural Cures for Hair Loss in Women
Biotin is found in nuts, organ meats, Brewer's yeast and unpolished rice. This B vitamin aids in hair growth.
Vitamins C and E
Vitamins C and E support hair growth by increasing circulation in the scalp.
Natural Shampoos
Wash hair with natural products to keep chemicals from aggravating the scalp and causing more hair loss.
Blood Flow
Lie on a slanted bench for a few minutes a day. This directs blood flow to the scalp and increases circulation.
Hair Rinse
Clear dead skin cells away from hair follicles by using an apple cider vinegar hair rinse.
Junk food hinders new cell growth. Stay away from refined foods and eat a diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables.
Make a juice of blended green leafy vegetables, carrots and alfalfa sprouts. Experts say that the high levels of vitamins and minerals in this blend foster hair growth.