Hair Transplant Cost

Many sufferers of hair loss search among a myriad of possible solutions for a remedy. Hair loss affects one's appearance, confidence and sometimes even one's relationships with others. A hair transplant is a cosmetic treatment that many people consider to be worth the cost.
  1. Cost per Graft

    • Consumers seeking a hair transplant can expect to pay about five to six dollars per graft. The total cost depends on the number of grafts required.


    • While costs associated with a hair transplant may have gone down in recent years, it still isn't an inexpensive option. Financing and low monthly payments are available for those concerned with their budget.


    • Over a long period of time, the cost associated with a hair transplant is less than the costs associated with other hair replacement options. Toupees, medications and other systems to combat hair loss all cost money to maintain.


    • Hair transplanted to balding parts of a person's head is usually resistant to loss, so a person receiving a hair transplant is paying for permanent results.

    Expert and Second Opinions

    • People suffering from hair loss may wish to consult physicians specializing in hair restoration for the best estimate of exactly how much they can expect to pay.

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