How to Submit a Picture to Choose Hair Color

If you're looking for a new hair color but aren't sure of how to choose one, then you may want to pick a picture to show hairstyling experts who can help you. It's important to choose a great picture that will allow the stylist to make the best hair color choice for your personal skin tone and bone structure. Once you've chosen the picture, you can submit it either digitally or directly to a hair stylist.

Things You'll Need

  • 1 close-up digital photo of your face
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      Choose a recent picture. A picture that was taken fairly recently will help a hair stylist match you with the perfect hair color as opposed to a picture that may be a few years old.

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      Ensure the picture shows your face directly from the front. Profile pictures or pictures that show only part of your face can be misleading because they don't show your complete facial features. A photo showing your entire face will be best in choosing the best hair color for you.

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      Choose a picture that is a close-up of your face and also reveals your skin tone and eye color. This will aid in choosing the right hair color for you by matching it to your eye and skin colors.

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      Upload the picture to a hairstyling website. There are many websites that allow you to upload a digital or scanned picture of yourself and then experts find the perfect hair color for you. Look in the resources section below for some great hairstyling websites.

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      Give the picture to your hairstylist. After you've chosen a good picture of yourself, you can take it to your own hairstylist next time you decide to go for a color change or new color.

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