Causes of Hair Loss for Men
Hair loss can be caused by a genetic predisposition, involving an adverse effect of the effect of hormones on the man's hair follicles. It typically results in male pattern baldness, the most common form of hair loss in men.
Suffering from an illness or disease can result in a higher than normal rate of hair loss. The rate of hair loss will often revert to normal after you are cured. Some fungal infections such as ringworm will likewise result in hair loss.
Medical Treatments
The radiation therapy and chemotherapy regimes that are prescribed to treat cancer are other causes of hair loss for men. Major surgery may also cause hair loss in men.
A hormonal imbalance in the body may also cause hair loss in men. This can result from under active or overactive pituitary or thyroid gland activity.
Hair loss can be a side effect of taking certain medications such as steroids, interferon or anti-depressants like Wellbutrin. Supplements such as vitamin A may similarly cause hair loss.
High levels of stress can result in hair loss in men. This is aggravated among men who are already predisposed to hair loss.
Underlying Conditions
Hair loss may be a symptom of an underlying condition such as lupus or diabetes, which may cause rapid hair loss.