Benefits of Vitamin E for Hair

Vitamin E has health-related benefits beyond its well-known effects on your skin. It's also excellent for your hair. In fact, many hair products, especially shampoos, are fortified with vitamin E. Vitamin E can even benefit your hair when taken orally. recommends taking 10 (International Units) I.U. of vitamin E daily. In addition to taking supplements, natural foods can supply what is needed for your entire body.
  1. Benefits

    • According to, vitamin E benefits a variety of conditions, such as anemia, low immune system, lack of energy, diabetes, shingles and more. The possible reason for this may be the amount of powerful antioxidants that protect the cells from free radicals.


    • Not only does vitamin E help with split ends, but it also keeps your color vibrant. Vitamin E Keeps may also keep your hair color from going gray. According to Jerome Z. Litt, M.D., in "Does Vitamin E Keep Hair From Graying?" (New York Times, June 7, 1993), "I am 71 and have been taking 400 international units of vitamin E a day for more than 20 years. My hair has not turned significantly grayer in that time." It's also helpful with hair loss, according to the Mayo Clinic.


    • Oral vitamin E can be found in most multivitamins. However, it can also be bought separately. Look for natural vitamin E rather than synthetic because the natural type can be absorbed better in the body. It is recommended when taking the natural form of vitamin E that you take 1.5 I.U. daily. Always check with your physician before taking vitamin E.


    • Like all other vitamins and minerals, vitamin E can also be found in foods. Good sources are nuts, seafood, legumes, soybeans, eggs, wheat germ, seeds, leafy greens, Brussels sprouts, vegetable oils, carrots, cauliflower, turnips and cabbage.


    • At a 2004 meeting of the American Heart Association, information was shown that high levels of vitamin E can cause premature death. Although it only showed a 5 percent increase in death, it was still enough to alert the health and nutrition industry. However, Benedetta Bartali RD PhD, a researcher from Yale University, concluded that too little vitamin E in older people may limit mobility in walking, getting up and down from a chair and balance.

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