How to Grow Hair Back After Anorexia
If you have been a victim of anorexia nervosa it's time for you to get to work and restore your body to a healthy state. You have been through a lot, so it may take a little while. You may want to start with restoring your hair if you experienced some hair loss.
Eat healthy. The cause of hair loss as a result of anorexia has much to do with inadequate nourishment. Every part of your body feeds off of the food you eat, including your hair. Once you start taking in nutrient rich foods, your hair should grow back. Foods that are more beneficial to eat if you want to encourage hair growth include onions, bananas, green peppers, carrots, apples, strawberries, peanut butter on bread, rice, beans and green tea.
Take a vitamin supplement that contains vitamins A, E, folic acid, B12 and biotin to foster the growth of healthy hair. In Linda Page's "Healthy Healing" she states that vitamin A is important for the development of healthy bone cells, which contributes to healthy hair. Vitamin B12 assists in the absorption of calcium. Vitamin E and biotin are effective in controlling hair loss. Folic acid is responsible for the proliferation of new cells.
Massage your scalp daily for five minutes. This will stimulate blood circulation.
Administer proper hair care by using chemical-free products and avoid using hot water when you wash your hair. When you wash your hair, wet it with warm water. Rinse with cool water.