How Permanent Is a Hair Transplant?
Provide the donor site. In modern permanent hair transplant surgery hair is removed from a healthy donor site and transplanted to the affected area of the scalp. This transplant comes directly from you and no one else. It is considered cosmetic surgery with few risks and has been approximately 75 percent effective.
Be aware that your scalp contains hairs that last your lifetime. They are not in the zone of baldness but are usually found at the back of your head or around your ears. This is where the donor hair is cultivated to transplant to your bald areas.
Grow your hair as long or short as you want. It can be brushed and shampooed. Your transplanted hair grows normally for the rest of your life although it may thin as you age.
Go ahead and throw away your toupee. You will now have hair for the rest of your life. Your transplanted hair is your hair and therefore it is natural to your body. There should be no chance of rejection because it is not foreign tissue.
Rest assured that your permanent transplant will not go the way of your lost hair. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is the hormone that scientists believe causes genetic hair loss. You donor hair is not affected by DHT.