How to Treat Thinning Hair in Women
Thinning hair in women can be caused by medical issues. Consult your physician to determine if this is the case. Heredity, diet or surgery may also be causes of hair loss for women. You should try to determine the cause before going any further with thinning hair treatment.
It is thought that there are hair growth vitamins and supplements. Biotin is often useful in hair regrowth, especially in hair loss for women due to surgery, childbirth and similar situations. It is a supplement available in heath food stores and most drug stores. Other hair growth vitamins used to treat thinning hair in women are the B vitamins. One with the complete range of the B's is recommended. A is also recommended as a hair growth vitamin and thinning hair treatment.
The over the counter thinning hair treatment minoxidil (Rogaine) is used in thinning hair in women just like men. It is available in the shampoo isle at most drugstores and supermarkets. Be sure to follow the package directions for successful results with this thinning hair treatment.
Transplants are used in hair loss for women as a thinning hair treatment the same was as it is used for men. Be sure to carefully screen the facility before selecting them to do your procedure. Hair transplants can now be virtually undetectable.
Only you can know what you are comfortable with. This article can give you a starting point for dealing with thinning hair in women.