How to Prevent Male Pattern Baldness

Male Pattern Baldness is a dilemma that affects 50% of men by the time they turn 50. Are there really any ways to prevent this impending hair loss? Let's take a look.

Things You'll Need

  • Knowledge
  • Gene Predictability
  • Massage
  • Vitamins
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      LOOK AT YOUR FAMILY HISTORY. How many man in your family are bald? Are there any men over 50 years of age that have a full head of hair? These are some hereditary issues that you must look at. This is because your genes are the biggest explanation of whether you will be bald or not.

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      LOOK AT BAD HABITS. Constantly being unable to handle stressful life? Not getting adequate amounts of sleep? These are a few bad habits that can cause you to lose more hair at an earlier age. Prolonged bad habits such as these can lead to bald patches, and possibly baldness.

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      VITAMINS: A SOLUTION? Vitamins especially those found in your diet are very important to sustaining your hair. Try focusing on a diet rich in zinc, copper, iron, calcium, vitamin B-12 and B-7. This may seem complicated if you don't have much time as it is. A quick solution may be to take multivitamins. This will ensure you get at least the required amount of each of these nutrients.

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      CAN MASSAGE HELP? Massage have been known to improve blood flow and improve the health of your skin. So why not use those principles on your scalp? Gently Massage your Scalp as much as possible to reduce tension in the hair follicles. This may seem small, but it can actually make a difference in the long run. After all, a good massage doesn't cure you, but a series of great massages will definitely do just that. (TIP: Use vitamin enriched shampoo to massage your scalp. You can also use coconut oil on your scalp, but be careful not to sleep with it because it may cause a mess)

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      RELAX. Earlier I had mentioned stress as being a factor for baldness. Well Relaxation can be it's opposite. Relax through deep breathing and meditating. This improves circulation throughout the body. Exercise on a daily basis as well. Try to do these exercises outdoors (if weather permits, so that you can get a good amount of natural sunlight rich in Vitamin D).

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      ALTERNATIVE METHODS. Try using herbs such as saw palmetto to keep your hormones balanced. Saw Palmetto is widely used in Europe but its usage has not yet been popularized in America. In addition to helping against baldness, it has beneficial effects on the prostrate. Check out my resources for more info on this herb.

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      Diagnosis & Acceptance. Check with your physician to indicate whether baldness may be due to a condition. Some thyroid conditions can lead to hair loss, so make sure to get a healthy amount of iodine in your diet. If there is no reason for your baldness, and the only possible answer is that your genes predetermine you for it, Accept it. It will happen to most men, and it is more accepted when men shave their heads bald rather than try desperately to comb-over. You can still be bald and confident. Just remember to polish! :]

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