Hair Loss Treatments
Men have been suffering from hair loss since the beginning of human history, and the earliest hair loss treatments date back to 1550 BC, when the ancient Egyptians were using an anti-baldness prescription. Julius Caesar had the first "comb-over," as he grew his hair long and combed it over his balding areas. Wigs became popular under King Louis VIII, and the 1800s ushered in a variety of topical medications that were supposed to cause hair regrowth, but did not actually work. The first hair grafts were recorded in 1939, an in 1978 the first hair regrowth medication, Minoxidil, was discovered.
There are three main ways to treat hair loss. One is through medication. There are a variety of medications that work fairly well on moderate to light hair loss by promoting hair growth. Surgery is another option, and this involves moving hair from one area of the body to the balding areas on the head. Cosmetic treatments are also available. These include hairpieces and wigs as well as sprays that make your existing hair look fuller in an attempt to fill in the thinning areas.
Hair loss treatments work by either replacing the missing hair, such as is done in surgical treatments, slowing down hair loss, or encouraging hair to grow at a faster rate. Having hair fall out is normal. Hair loss occurs when the hair falls out at a faster rate than new hair grows. Medications used to treat hair loss focus on encouraging new hair to grow or slowing down hair loss. For instance, Minoxidil, the active ingredient in Rogain, encourages new hair growth. Finasteride, the active ingredient in Propecia, slows down the loss of hair.
Time Frame
Results from hair loss treatments take a while. It can take as long as 12 weeks for people to notice new hair growth when using Minoxidil, which is a topical liquid, and some people will not notice any new growth. After 6 months without results, most doctors recommend that people look for a new treatment option. Finasteride, which is a pill that is taken daily for male-patterned baldness, can take several months to show visible results. Hair grafts and other surgical options can take up to 8 months to heal and begin growing normally.
Hair loss treatments may not work, and actual baldness cannot be cured without surgery. You may spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on hair loss treatments only to see no results. Also, medication used as a hair loss treatment must be continually repeated. Some come with side effects. For instance, some men who take Finasteride experience a lowered sex drive. If you are willing to take these risks to try to combat your hair loss issues, then talk to your doctor about hair loss treatment options.