How Well Does Procerin Work?
Consider Procerin as part of an ongoing effort to block the production of the hormone, DHT, in the male body. According to the claims of the makers of Procerin, their supplement fights the most common cause of male pattern baldness, which is due to the increased production of this hormone as a man ages.
Determine your goals for using Procerin. Some long-term users claim their hair loss slowed or even stopped after using the supplement regularly for three months or longer. No independent clinical tests confirm these claims, and the Food and Drug Administration has not issued a statement supporting the claims.
Use Procerin for at least three months before expecting any results.
Expect a slightly higher rate of success if you are a man with male pattern baldness. This condition relates to the production of DHT, and regular use of Procerin may block this hormone. Women report seeing no results from using Procerin, because DHT production is not a part of the female aging process.
The three main ingredients of the supplement are: Saw palmetto, nettle and gotu kola, all DHT blockers. Procerin includes other B vitamins and minerals that, while unproven for blocking DHT, are recognized as part of a healthy diet.
Combine Procerin with topical hair loss treatments, such as Rogaine or Propecia, for better results. These products contain other forms of DHT-blocking ingredients that work on the scalp and hair follicles.