How to Grow New Hair
Use hair loss vitamins. Vitamins assist in blocking the manufacturing of DHT, which is a major cause of hair loss in men. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). An enzyme in the body changes the male hormone testosterone into DHT. Vitamins help hair growth by renewing damaged hair roots in men and women.
Take Vitamin A. The recommended daily dosage of Vitamin A is 5000 IU. This vitamin contains an antioxidant found in fish oils, green leafy vegetable such as cabbage, spinach and broccoli. Milk products and milk by products also promotes healthy hair and increase growth secreting sebrum.
Eat foods rich in the B vitamins. Vitamin B3, also called niacin, provides increased blood circulation to the scalp. This promotes more nutrients to the hair follicles. Good inexpensive sources are fish, meat, brewer's yeast and wheat products. The recommended daily dosage is 15 mg. Vitamin B5 has shown some ability to slow hair thinning. The recommended daily dosage is up to 7 mg.
Drink eight glasses of water daily for healthy, shiny hair. Since 80% of the human body is comprised of water, it needs to be replenished. Drinking water also flushes toxins from the body.