How to Treat Thinning Hair
Eat a diet high in foods containing omega-3 fatty acids. These include salmon, flax seeds, nuts and soybeans. Biotin also is good for hair. Liver, eggs, Swiss chard, nuts and soy are rich in biotin.
Consider medications proven to help prevent hair loss. Finasteride, found under the brand name ****, and dutasteride are medications developed to treat prostate cancer that have also halted hair loss in men. Minoxidil, originally a blood pressure medication, comes in a medicated cream, spray or shampoo. Your doctor can prescribe minoxidil, or you can buy it over the counter as Rogaine.
Switch to a high quality shampoo. Poor quality shampoos may break or damage hair. Talk to a hair care professional or salon supplier to find specialty shampoos. Some contain biotin and silica for treating thinning hair.
Get a hairstyle that creates fullness. Cut hair short and add layers. This creates volume for fine and thinning hair.
Try alternative treatment methods such as aromatherapy, acupuncture or acupressure. Use essential oils such as rosemary, thyme, lavender and cedar wood. Herbs such as psoralea seeds and mulberries stimulate hair growth.