How to Stop Losing Hair From Falling Out
When possible use natural remedies for hair care. For example, use witch hazel on your scalp for cleansing purposes. Witch hazel will clean any buildup that could lead to hair loss. Apply with a cotton swab to your scalp after shampooing.
Avoid pulling on hair to prevent follicle damage and to stop hair from falling out. Wrapping your hair in a towel after shampooing, tight hair bands and brushing the hair when wet can cause follicle damage and may result in hair loss.
De-stress your life as much as possible. Get treatment for any depression or anxiety-related disorders. Stress saps the body of vitamins, minerals and amino acids necessary for healthy hair. Get plenty of exercise and rest and take a vitamin supplement to reduce hair loss caused by stress.
Include plenty of colorful foods in your diet. Green, red and orange fruits and vegetables carry many of the essential elements for healthy hair. Eat protein in the form of yogurt and soy as well to increase hair follicle health and prevent hair loss.
Get checked by a doctor. Hair loss may be caused by thyroid issues or medications. It could also be a symptom of a more serious health problem. Talk to your doctor about your hair loss problem so she can diagnose properly and determine appropriate treatment.