How to Reduce DHT
Things You'll Need
- Shampoo
- Green tea tablets
- Sea food
- Soy
- Pumpkin seed oil
Shampoo hair daily with a good shampoo. You can use a shampoo that contains the herb Shen Min. This herb prevents the growth of DHT and can be purchased in health food stores.
Take green tea tablets, two after each meal. You can also drink the equivalent five cups in liquid form if you prefer. Green tea contains flavonols and catechins that help limit DHT as well as cholesterol.
Consume more seafood. Seafood, especially shell fish, contains Zinc. Zinc has been shown to reduce the production of DHT.
Increase soy intake. Soybeans contain isoflavones which limit DHT production. Aim to eat four tofu dishes per week.
Use pumpkin seed oil. Rub it onto scalp before bedtime for three months. Pumpkin seed oil inhibits the production of DHT.
Swallow nettle tablets each day with two glasses of water. Nettle is a herb that reduces DHT and is known for its healing abilities.
Consume saw palmetto capsules twice a day. Saw palmetto stops DHT formation and opens hair follicles to proteins leading to thicker hair.