Hair Grafting for Women
Women who are candidates for hair grafting will not have underlying medical conditions, such as a thyroid problem, that will cause further hair loss. The hair on the back and sides of a woman's head, known as donor hair, needs to be thick and healthy, according to "The New York Times."
During a hair-grafting procedure, a surgeon will remove healthy follicles from the donor hair and place them in the areas of hair loss. Mini-grafts of just two to four hair follicles at a time can be used; so can strips of hair or larger grafts containing 10 or more hairs. Skilled surgeons can place hair follicles so that the new hairline looks natural and the transplanted hair grows in the same direction as surrounding hair.
More than one grafting session could be required to move all the hair follicles needed to fill in the bare areas on a woman's scalp. It can take as long as two years for the full effect of the hair graft to be seen. Risks associated with the procedure include infections, scarring and the chance that the transplanted hair also will be lost, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.