Myths on Baldness
You Get It From Your Mom
A myth persists that the genetics for hair loss come from the maternal side of the family. While it does seem to be true that baldness is genetic, it does not come exclusively through the mother's side. Actually, everyone loses hair on a regular, daily basis, and physical trauma or hormonal problems may lead to excessive hair loss. Infections, diseases and medications may also cause an abnormal shedding of hair. Male pattern baldness, the kind people are most commonly referring to when they talk about baldness, is the result of hormones and several genetic factors which come from both parents, according to the Pattern Baldness website.
Using Hair-care Products Makes Your Hair Fall Out
Using hair-care products like dyes, shampoos, mousses and gels will not lead to baldness. Excessive use of dyes or other chemicals can indeed damage your hair, but they will not cause it to actually fall out and not return, states Likewise, blow-drying your hair will not cause baldness, either, although doing it too much can make it dry and brittle.
Hair Loss Is Caused By Poor Circulation
Another myth exists which claims that people lose hair because they are not getting enough blood to their scalps. This is often promoted by makers of devices which allow you to restimulate your scalp or hang upside-down in order to get the blood flowing to your head. However, this is totally false. Circulation to your scalp is already quite good, which is why, according to Dr. Paul McAndrews, hair transplants work so well.
Wearing Hats Cause Baldness
One persistent myth about baldness is that wearing hats or baseball caps causes you to lose your hair. The idea seems to be that the rubbing of the hat on your scalp, or the tightness of the band, cause your hair die. While simply wearing a hat will not bring baldness, you should give your scalp room to breathe for at least seven hours per day, according to