Foods to Grow Hair in Older People
Protein Rich Foods
Hair is protein based. Therefore, it makes sense that eating a diet of healthy proteins will greatly improve hair's chances for good growth at any age.
Eat foods rich in protein, such as liver, eggs, beans, cottage cheese, yogurt and tofu. These high-protein items are important for maintaining healthy hair and getting those locks growing again, according to the Self Care Advisory website.
Green and Leafy
Since older people are often prescribed medicines for various health issues, it is especially important to make sure you have adequate vitamin B nutrients in your diet. The reason is that many medications block the absorption of B-complex vitamins, which help to deliver nutrients to the scalp for healthy hair growth.
The addition of dark green, leafy vegetables such as collard or mustard greens, spinach, chicory and kale to the diet will help boost the amount of vitamin B and will help promote hair growth. Okra, whole grains and pasta are also effective foods.
Antioxidants fight free radicals, which damage the cells in the body and cause signs of aging. These free radicals are also capable of affecting hair growth as you age. Eating foods rich in antioxidants with vitamins A, C and E will give your system a boost in destroying these nuisances.
Vitamin A rich foods help to metabolize proteins and create red blood cells essential for hair growth. Foods with high doses of vitamin A include carrots, sweet potatoes and other deep orange veggies. Vitamin C rich foods will promote oxygen delivery to the scalp. Foods in this category include citrus fruits, berries, potatoes and tomatoes, according to the VietSkin website.
Nuts and seeds are essential in adding vitamin E to your diet. Vitamin E will help dilate the small blood vessels that allow blood and nutrients to reach the scalp and assist in growing healthy hair.