What are hair and nails made up?
- Hair is made up of a hard protein called alpha-keratin, which is also found in the skin, nails, and feathers of animals.
- Nails are made up of a hard protein called beta-keratin.
Keratin is a strong, fibrous protein that is resistant to wear and tear. It is also insoluble in water, which makes it ideal for protecting the body from the elements.
Hair and nails grow from the root, which is located in the skin. The root of the hair is called the hair follicle, while the root of the nail is called the nail matrix.
As the hair and nails grow, they are pushed out of the skin by new cells that are produced at the root. The hair and nails are then trimmed or cut to the desired length.
Hair and nails are important for protecting the body from the elements and for providing a sense of touch. Hair also helps to regulate body temperature and can be used to express personality and style.