What services did the barber perform in addition to art of cutting hair?
- Tooth extraction: Barbers were often regarded as "barber-surgeons" and performed minor surgical procedures such as tooth extraction. They extracted teeth with the use of dental instruments, such as extracting forceps.
- Bloodletting: Barbers would perform bloodletting, which was a common medical practice during that time to purge what were believed to be harmful and unbalanced humors from the body. They would draw blood by making small incisions on specific parts of the body.
- Cupping: Cupping involves the application of heated glass cups on the skin to create a suction effect. Barbers used this technique for both therapeutic and cosmetic reasons.
- Cauterization: Barbers sometimes performed cauterization to stop bleeding or treat wounds by burning tissue with hot instruments.
- Leeches: Barbers would apply leeches to draw blood from a patient as it was believed to have therapeutic benefits.
- Ear piercing: Barbers also offered ear piercing services.
- Hair coloring and styling: Aside from cutting hair, barbers engaged in hair coloring and styling, using various techniques and tools to achieve different hairstyles and colors.
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