How to Make Hair Grow Quickly Naturally for Black Women
Avoid treatments like relaxers, extensions and cornrows, which can damage your hair and cause it to break. Stop using hair-harming tools like straighteners, blow dryers and curling irons. Avoid hair products that contain chemicals, as these will strip your hair of its natural oils. Natural and organic products are generally safe.
Use a deep conditioner once a week and rid your hair of split ends by asking for a "dusting" at the salon. This type of trim removes only one eighth of an inch, leaving length and eliminating split ends. Healthy hair will grow well, while damaged hair will continually break.
Take a daily multivitamin and maintain a well-balanced diet; proper nutrients will help your hair grow. In addition, try supplementing with daily doses of vitamin B, vitamin B-6, beta-carotene, flaxseed oil, folic acid, magnesium and zinc. All are important to healthy hair growth.
Use a seamless comb on wet hair; never use a brush. Always air-dry your hair or twist it up in a towel; don't vigorously rub it dry with a towel. Use a brush with natural bristles on dry hair.