Can Gel Build-Up Cause Loss of Hair?
The American Academy of Dermatology lists the main causes of hair loss as hereditary thinning or balding, improper chemical treatments, alopecia areata (an autoimmune condition) and telogen effluvium (a temporary condition caused by a change to the normal hair cycle). Poor nutrition, stress, scalp infections, hormonal changes, disease, medicines and certain chemicals used on hair all contribute to hair loss, according to the Mayo clinic.
Chemical treatments used on hair can cause it to become brittle and damaged, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Some hair gels contain petroleum-based ingredients which dry hair strands, causing breakage. They can also cause contact dermatitis on the scalp, leading to temporary hair loss.
Hair gel and other styling products contain drying chemicals which can build up and damage the hair strands or irritate the scalp, but not affect the hair follicle, says the Hair Loss Learning Center. Washing product build-up away will improve the condition of your scalp, not cure hair loss.