How to Grow Long, Beautiful and Gorgeous Hair
Stimulate blood flow to your hair follicles. Use both hands to gently massage your scalp daily to increase blood flow and stimulate growth.
Use products to provide nutrients. Purchase a protein-based shampoo and conditioner from a hair salon or drug store to strengthen and repair damaged locks. Apply conditioner to hair after washing. Rinse conditioner from hair as directed--usually after 10 to 15 minutes.
Help your scalp retain moisture. Dry hair can trigger breakage and shedding. Apply hair creams and oil sheen directly to your hair or scalp to add luster and softness.
Eat plenty of protein. Protein promotes healthy hair. Adopt a protein-rich diet that includes foods like eggs, beans, fish and meats, recommends the Doctor's Book of Home Remedies for Women on the MotherNature website.
Get plenty of sleep. Proper rest and sleep can stimulate hair growth. Aim for seven to nine hours of shut-eye a night for long, beautiful hair, states the Hair Boutique website and the Belgravia Centre in Britain, according to the Huffington Post.
Remove split ends. Trim damaged or split ends to improve the overall look of your hair.
Take your vitamins. Get into the habit of taking a multivitamin to help stimulate hair growth and improve the strength of your hair. Good choices include B-complex vitamins, vitamin E, flax seed oil and biotin, according to the book, Nature's Medicine, on the MotherNature website.