Natural Home Remedies for Ehancing Hair Growth
Make a Tonic
Combine 1 tbsp. of olive oil, 1 tbsp. coconut oil and 1 tbsp. almond oil. Mix the oils in a microwave safe bowl. Heat the mixture for 15 seconds in the microwave or until warm. Dip your finger tips in the mixture and massage it into your scalp. Wrap a clean cotton towel around your head and allow the oils to soak overnight. Remove the towel in the morning. Shampoo and rinse your hair as normal.
Onion Juice
Place a large white onion in a juicer or food processor. Shred the onion and pour the pulp into a fine strainer or colander. Collect the onion juice that drips through the strainer in a small bowl. Apply it to your scalp with your fingers and work it into your hairline. Allow the onion juice to soak for two to four hours. Rinse with water. Repeat the process once a week.
Pour 2 tbsp. of ground or powdered Henna into a small bowl. Pour enough coffee or lemon juice into the bowl to make a paste with the Henna. Apply the Henna paste to your scalp and into any other spots suffering from hair loss. Allow the paste to sit for 60 minutes. Rinse your hair. Repeat the process every two weeks.